Three Thrash Tea Utensil \\\
2023.07.19 HAE
In June 2019, Adidas lost an EU court case over the copyright of the “Three Lines”.
Copyright is a concept whose rights are properly protected, but also a hegemonic weapon in the global economy, enabling monopolization of profits through iconography.
© Capture from AFP BB NEWS 2019
Regarding the three lines discussed, even if the adidas company does not exist, we can retrieve similar designs from memory.
Tate-Mitsuhikiryo / used by the Date family, the feudal lord of the Mutsu Sendai domain (12c~)
In the world of wabicha (tea ceremony), which Rikyu (16c) greatly developed, one is not allowed to enter the tea room with a sword, and the tea room is a space of impartial communication where the threat of weapons is removed.
We handled the three lines, the use of which was made clear by Adidas’ defeat in the lawsuit, and produced tea utensils for use in the tea ceremony room, where impartiality is maintained.
Three Thrash Tea Utensil \\\ (Black)